Friday 20 April 2012

Dare To Be Different

Upside Down House of Borneo, located at Mile 21,
Jalan Telibong, Tamparuli, Sabah. It has been officially
included in the Malaysia Guinness Book of Records.

The first in South East Asia.
Good Job Mr Alexander Yee for being one of the few to BE DIFFERENT !!

In relation to the photo, do allow me to share something here..

A newborn baby is just like an empty tablet.. or a piece of white clean cloth...

There is no two persons in this world are born the same - same as in the features, skin color, shape of the eyes, nose and et cetera.. NO, there is none. God has destined that every human being born is special and of his/her own aura.

Of course when the baby grows up, he/she will be the greatest copycat especially the first 3 years. Copycat means they would take the parents as their role models. Speaking about models, even when we see the models doing the catwalks- they are so good, aren't they? - and usually the ladies, including myself will try to be like the models- CONFIDENT and FULL OF CHARISMA !! The same concept goes to a baby, they would think that the parents or guardians are so PERFECT and they want to be just like them.

Hence, everyone around her especially the parents should give the best example - in our words, in our acts and in our faith, i mean the best you could, anyway. In every aspects, if parents educate good manners to the child, then good the child will be. If parents teach the child in a very harsh way, very strict, very ignorant, very pampering, then..... Well, I shall leave the blank field for you to fill in yourself.

Nevertheless, surely teachers and friends also have a bit of share especially when our children have started going to school BUT, as parents - we can always monitor. Monitor them closely, but make sure we give some space for them. Every creatures on earth needs a little bit of good and positive freedom though.

Based on my OBSERVATIONS- at my working place, at the churches, at the malls or in others' cars while driving, or anywhere - I would say the child normally inherits most of the attitudes or behaviours from the parents/guardians. Thus, when we think our children are not behaving well - LET US NOT PUT THE BLAME ON THEM ALONE, but we look at ourselves instead, and don't just reflect BUT discern.

To recap, if we want our child to become somebody WELL RESPECTED - educate and nurture them well and the child will surely become someone who is DARE TO BE DIFFERENT.

The Jipanis'

Baby sister. Jacinta the name :)

Near the upside down Kancil
at the entrance :)

Read here Upside Down House before you make a visit so you will have some ideas, you know.. :) I am so looking forward to having a fruitful weekend so yeah, Thank God It's Friday !!!

Thursday 19 April 2012

Hello, my name is Brian Ji Pa Nis.

Many have noticed or I may say lots of people would say something like these - "Oh dear, the hairs are so few..." "Anduuu... nipisnya rambut Brian" "Alamak... Haluuuussss", so on and so forth..

Those comments have actually been taken a bit seriously by my dear Hubs and he decided to do something about it... *wondering?

Come, let's have a look down here..

Taken at 12.14am on 13.4.2012.
And that is his signature smile.. :)

Daddy     : I think I want to change the locks of Brian.. with a shaver ...

Mommy : Shaver??? N.O !! And thus he used a scissor instead...

Men at work. And Brian was like ..
"OMG..When is this going to end..?"

Photo taken on 14.04.2012 @ 8.16am

And finally, mission accomplished !!

Our SHAOLIN boy !!!
And that is his "surprised & amazed smile" :)

Photo taken about 10minutes later.

Just to conclude this entry, to anyone who would like to have a Kung Fu Performance at any events, please call this little Ah Chai by the name of Brian Ji Pa Nis at his parents mobile numbers. Thank You !! :)

Wednesday 18 April 2012

13th April - Blessed Bornday, Son !!

You are now 1year + 5days old Son..

And for the past 366+5 days, you had come across with so many trials - flu, cold, cough, high fever and the most challenging part was when you were attacked by the Chicken Pox virus, and that time you were only about to turn 9-months old.. How tiny you were..

Despite being a very small infant still, you have been so strong to endure with all the trials and it is a real blessing seeing you putting a smile on your face, always and in fact, NEVER FAILED to do so - regardless of your health condition. We are so proud of you, Son..

Certainly, you are the pillar of strength for both Mommy and Daddy.. You are such a blessing and a darling child to have my Son..  THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH..

Let Mommy and Daddy wish you the HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY ever!! *wink 

Photo was taken at about 5.30 in the morning on
Brian's 1st brithday; 13.04.2012.

p/s: Note his two cute front teeth :)