Wednesday 18 July 2012

Kara-OKAY cum Birthday Celeb for EvaNNa


The Geng Bas Sekolah :)

We are HAPPY and we are YOUNG !

Killing our lunch time on a Friday by having fun.
:: Cake, Iced Lemon Tea and titbits ::

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Celebrating the 731st day In Our Own Way :)

Dimmed-light. Perfect for the two of us :)

ABC - Our favorite !!

"The Amazing Spiderman"
Believe it or not, this movie was our 1st movie we watched together
eversince Brian was born, exactly 15months & 4days ago
. We have been
dedicating our time (and we are still) for Brian till yesterday.
And today, we just had to have fun again *grin
Note : Brian was at the nursery, okay. Hehe

Since Hubby and I are not Millionaires, so we celebrated our 2nd Wedding Anniversary (based on the Canon Law) in a very simple and HUMBLE way.

There you go..

We had Ngiu Chap @ Kah Hiong, Hilltop, for breaky.

We had ABC  @ Sinar Mustika Marketplace 88, Kepayan, for our snack-time.

We watched a movie together at GSC Suria. Been longing for that.

We had late lunch at Suria Food Court.

We had dinner at the Beijing BBQ Restaurant, Bukit Padang.

We did not need to have a very lavish and luxurious celebration. A celebration could be very good enough for Hubby, baby Brian and myself when it is celebrated within our means. And it must be accompanied with a prayer :) We are NOTHING without GOD.





** Special THANKS to my babysister Jacinta and my Mother for looking after baby Brian while we were out to have our dinner outside. God Bless you two. Love you both ~!!

Thursday 12 July 2012

The MAN in me :)

I always have the great passion in positive aggresive activities, and one of them was this; Territorial Army or in Malay it's called Askar Wataniah. Still don't get it? In a common phrase, it's called Army Volunteer.

This cool hobby of mine had actually taken place in the year of 2005 and 2006. 2005 was the Recruitment Course, and the latter year was a course for us to get a promotion - to a higher rank. Both courses were held at Paradise Camp, Kota Belud Sabah.

Below are the MOST VALUABLE experiences I have gained in my life. And, if you wish to ask me whether I'll be doing it again, my CONCRETE answer is NO. Do not ask, do not query. I have got enough, and I really mean it is E.N.O.U.G.H.

So, read on..

1) I got my whole body burnt by Mr Sun - well, of course with the exception of those hidden under my garment..

2) I got my calves swollen because of "masuk angin" - errr, what do we call that in English? Wind pains? Colic (I thought this is for infants) ? I surrender. Anyone?

3) I sprained my right shoulder after carrying an M16 rifle for 9-hours of walking. An empty M16 weighs 3.25kg or 7.18pounds, okay. Oh yes, plus another grammes for quite a number of live bullets.

4) I had my toes' nails torned - VERRRRY painful, okay.

5) I had a "good-bath-time" in a fish pond at 12am - well, that was actually a punishment after we were caught sleeping in a Captain's class !! 

6) Drank one whole jug of "fresh" tap water. A jug of 1.5 litre, if I could recall. A punishmet, too.. O_o

7) I ever brought 6 raw eggs in a sock, and carried them with me whilst running/walking - in a swamp, then in that wet Army Uniform, still with the eggs, ran up and down a hill. I almost collapsed ! On the other hand, the other guys were actually even cooler. They ran/ walked while carrying a log timber !! Hey peeps, that was actually a game and we really had fun. Seriously.

8) Slept in my man-made "kubu" on top of a hill - it was raining some more and it was really damn cold!!

9) Climbed up a 12-feet tall fort, and jumped from the top to the ground ! *Nasib tidak patah kaki!!*

But whatever it is, those were the things which not everyone would enjoy doing it. I did it twice and I AM VERY PROUD OF IT :)

Hey wait, look at the photos which I scanned and would love to share them with you. Not to show off, but as a proof that I do have a bit of masculinity in myself :)

a PLATOON, all very close, just like good buddies :)

That's me in black Army tee. Was holding the post of Second Lieutenant.
I was instructing my subordinates to do some sketching :)

Giving a  brief explanation to the subordinates

Still in action

Nah, ambik kau!! Hitam itu menawan :)
I really enjoyed this moment.

A humble note :-

I have a very special reason why I am writing this entry. I am indeed very thankful to God that I met my Husband, Mr Jipanis Suali, a very good friend of mine, then.

We get to know each other in 2006. We were in two different platoons, and we both were picked by our Commander to challenge each other to get the Best Student Award. Apparently, luck was on my side :P


Tuesday 10 July 2012

Let's have a SLOW DANCE..

Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?

Ever followed  a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading light?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

Do you run through each day on the fly?
When you ask "How Are You".. Do you take time to listen to the reply?

When the day is done
Do you lie in bed 
With the next hundred chores running through your head?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

Ever told your child "we'll do it tomorrow", 
and in your haste, not see his sorrow?

 Ever lost touch and let a good friendship dies
Cause you never had time to call and say "Hi".. 

You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

 When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the run of getting there
When you worry and hurry through your day
It is like an unopened gift..
Thrown away

Life is not a race
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over..

*all photos are courtesy of Google