Friday 24 August 2012

He's the MAN !!!

This happened last Tuesday; 21st August 2012 on our way back home from Hubs' hometown Tenghilan. We were not pleased when we had to face one challenge, a FALLEN OLD TREE on the road !! With no machete, no saw, no knife (?) - so what was left with us were only our BARE HANDS.

Brian was with us (of course) and my Hubs just had to "get rid of the tree" all by himself. He is very very very strong. See below :)

In a quest to breaking the branches..

Still, trying so hard... And he thinks this (Pic 3) should be okay..

Yayyy, he managed to pass the challenge with success !! :)

He IS the MAN !!

Gaya Street Fair :)

It was one day shy till Brian turned 16months and Hubs decided to take Brian for a "walk" at our famous Gaya Street Fair on the August 12th, 2012.

It was Brian's first time to be in a large and crowded place and we found ourselves a bit worried whether he would be okay with it, but it turned just ALRIGHT :)

Here's the proof :)

Our FINEST Sunday :)

Being a full time working parents, it is kinda hard to find a time for just the three of us. BUT, we just had to and we decided to visit the Perdana Park, Tanjung Aru - approximately 15 minutes drive from our home :)

We had so much much much of fun !!! Do check out our captured-moments ya !!  :) Thank You for your time peeps !! :)

Brian LOVED the park,  just look at his smiles !! :D

Again!! He was so happyyy !!!

Enjoyed looking at the dancing fountain :)