Sunday 5 May 2013

I am LOVING it :)


Never crossed my mind
Till somebody suggested it to me
The price is a BOMB, like totally
Luckily I had a partner to do it with me
We got a discount of RM30
But still costly, cause we are NOT wealthy
We managed to persuade the Towkay
To pay by installment
I finished paying mine
And I get it done on 4th May, 2013
The procedure took me only 15minutes
The pains were bearable
It may look odd to you
It may look funny to you
It may look weird to you
But, what the heck
It looks AWESOME to me
Say whatever you want
It will NEVER bring me down
If you like it, praise
If you don't like it, keep quiet
If you envy, go get one done for yourself
I saved 10mins every morning
I don't need to buy the eyebrow pencil no more 
At  least for 5-6 YEARS
 That place is well recommended by many
And, yeah, I count on them
Cause the "produce" is beyond LOVELY
Trust me:)

Much LOVE,

A bit of details, just in case you need them :P

Price : RM680 (I paid RM650, after minus the discount. By INSTALLMENT, okay)
Venue : Monica Beauty & Body Care, Suria Sabah Branch. Level 2, next to Times Bookstore.

Strictly, a NO-NO.

Saturday 4 May 2013

Almost its 10th Birthday :)

I started working at the age of (almost) 20 years old, roughly about 14days after completing my Diploma. 18months after working in the private sector, then I received a job offer in the Government Sector. As in most cases, being a very young-and-earning-a-wee-bit-of-salary-only, I had to take the public transportation, for both morning and evening "trips".

There  was one very very fine morning, when I was about to leave home for work (of course by bus), then my late Father broke a good news. Really a good news - He was going to give me a car for my 21st birthday !!! I was extremely happy. The happiest human being, indeed :) My life has never been easier eversince then :)
Yes, this is the gift !! :) Bought in August 2003.

I love this gift to bits. Though it is the smallest and CHEAPEST car, but who cares. I don't want and I will never wanna give a damn if you're driving your much-more-expensive-or-bigger-car. I have no problem with it. Some people look down on me. Some people would tease me. Oh yes, please do so, because one thing for sure, at the end of the day - WE ARE BOTH SAFE FROM THE RAIN AND SUN. I can still reach my destinations, just like you, can't I? :) *you arrogant people, pergi main jauh-jauh!

This Kancil of mine has brought me to many places. And, having a very sentimental relationship with my very first car, I therefore thought that it will be awesome if I can do some makeover on it. You know, just a biiiiiitttt of touch-ups :)

Spot any difference from the former photo? :)

So, yeah, the latter photo was taken a day after it had a makeover. That was on 2nd May, 2013. You see, my Kancil has another 3 months till its 10th birthday, and here I am, already giving it a sincere gift, an advanced birthday present :) Nah, I  told you, I love this Kancil very much, and yes, I really do. I hope I have made my "love" happy. I wish it can still be with me for another 10years, or more :)

I heart you, SAA 5065 E.

Much love,
Your loyal Owner xx

p/s : All photos were taken by the Husband of the Owner. Bunch of thanks to ya ! ;)