Wednesday 7 September 2011

*singing* Hey Mr. Postman, look and see ~

Salam 1Malaysia *wink*

It has been a while already since my last posting ~ been busy :(

The month of August was so much filled with EXCITING activities. Among the interesting thing happened was when I received parcels from a man who works for the Post Office and sends postings of others to others *grin*

Online shopping can be very addictive - it's SCARY !! I made a purchase of two baby carriers within a day and I spent quite a number of notes which I think I rather save it for other expenses :) But as I mentioned earlier, this thing could be very addictive. *sigh*

Here are the photos of the contents in the parcels I received :)

Parcel from One Baby World : A 4-way-carrier and a set-of-two of Safety Plus Feeding Bottle :) 

The BabyLove Carrier - simple and not that pricey :). Suits for a beginner like Myself, Hubby and son Brian :)

The X-Carrier purchased online at Tiny Tapir

This is all for my sharing this time. Do read my future postings okay.. Stay tuneeeee :)

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