Sunday 29 January 2012

Mr Jay is THIRTY TWO today :)

We share the same birth of date, with different months and years, of course :)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sayang.. and I'm grateful to God that you received two blessings from two Priests today by the name of Rev Fathers Wilfred Atin and Fundes Motiung aka Uncle Father :)

May you continue to lead the family as a good Husband, Father and as well as a Teacher :)

I THANK GOD for giving me YOU and I wanna grow old with you. May God grants this little prayer of mine. AMEN.

God Bless You Always Sayang..


  1. Blessed belated birthdate to ur hubby. Wah nice sama birthdate ;)
    Belated birthday to u too lah ;)

  2. mcm mana ko tambah reply button tu.. oh mmg ada sana?..

    1. Hi Stella..

      Ya, macam mmg ada cni ni... i dunno, it seems to be like an upgraded thingy to me... macam dulu tiada tu option tu.. :)
