Wednesday 9 May 2012

The New Interest

I am not an EXERCISE doer. I am not an athlete. I am not keen in doing any sports but I have the same favourite hobby as Hubby's - Badminton, and I am just the normal Malaysian - the laidback type of human being.

However, in contrary to my statement above, I used to like to get myself involved in some aggressive activities. Well, I've ever - climbed a 12-feet wall (and jumped down from the top, crazy!!), sprained my right shoulder after carrying a M16 weapon (real one, okay!), walked for 9 hours up and down the hills in my full army uniform, gone a little bit "deaf" after a few of shooting trainings, "played" in the mud & swamp, got wet in the rain, led a march (in style, though *wink) and lots more. But, those were the days when I was still an active member of the Territorial Army way back in 2005 till 2010. Currently, NOT ANYMORE.

I have a good history of re-spraining my right shoulder and the latest one is to having a great low back pain. If I were to do any exercise, the advise I got from my Ortho is - do not jog or run or do whatever which needs me to move in a faster pace compared to walking. I was like, oh dear, oh my God, oh my. Am I really doomed to be an extremely "laid back" person?

Anyhow, being a bit stubborn myself - I still jog and I still run. Reasons being - it makes me feel much happier and healthier. Don't ask why. When my dear cousin Laura challenged me to join in the 10K run at the KK City Run recently (it was on April 1st), I was more than happy to grab the opportunity. Opportunity? Yes, the chance to get myself re-energised and re-charged.

All smiled and prepared to sweat it out :)

With Laura. Still smiled the same after finishing my 10K run in
TWO HOURS time. A cool beginning for a novice like me :)

The Borneo International Marathon (BIM) has just passed (last Sunday, 6th May 2012). A dear friend of mine has indeed asked me to join her in the Full Marathon; 42KM. Initially I said OKAY, but too bad I was a little bit late for the registration and I think it would be better for me to join the race next time. To just run is easy, but to run and finish in style after running 42KM, that absolutely needs a lot of good investments - trainings, diets, shoes, outfits and et cetera. And yeah, one needs to be mentally-physically-spiritually prepared.

Eventhough I didn't run, but I was at the event too - as a Volunteer. Being a first timer in volunteering at such a big event, I really enjoyed in distributing the race packs to the runners, became the Road Marshall and of course, cheering for the runners. I saw some familiar faces during the whole run and it was good. I got myself very much excited and I can't wait for the 6th BIM !!

I took some photos of the runners and allow me to share them with you all here *some photos are courtesy of Maria, BFKK:)

The Winner of 42KM.
He ran from Likas Sports Complex at 3am and reached my station
at Wisma Merdeka approximately 15 minutes later. Amazing !!

Do you think we have the excuse from not keeping ourselves
healthy until you see this man? He was only about 20-minutes
behind the 1st Runner !! Superb!! 

Healthy and pretty PREGGY joined the 10KM. Awesome!

A wheelchaired-bound 10KM participant. Gracias !!

Now, this is cute. One HEALTHY family :)

So peeps, do the photos above get you excited to join in the race next year, yes? It is gonna be on the 5th May, 2013. Register early to get the early bird price :) Keep yourself updated and click here to get more informations on BIM :) Till then, keep on exercising and be healthy :)


  1. Interesting...I would love to join the next amazing race...after looking at these pics..

    1. Come and join me !!! The more the merrier :)

  2. Interesting.Gonna join The Amazing Race after this after viewing ur pics.....truly amazing
