Wednesday 12 December 2012


Hello there ~

Well, well, well.. it has been awhile since my last post, huh? yeah, i know right :) And if you happen to bump into this post, I THANK YOU for your time ... :)

Why I chose to "suddenly" write/post an entry on this very special date? Reasons being - as you and I know, the same date would not happen AGAIN. Secondly, Hubs and I decided to bring Brian to visit the Gaya Christmas celebration,  And it was so cool that the last day of the celeb was 12.12.12. So, you think I would want to miss the opportunity?? Yihaaa !!

For your information, Brian normally  goes to bed at 7pm-8pm every night. So, before taking him out tonight, we had to make sure that he's taken his dinner. So, what we did was, Hubs and I divided the tasks on who will feed Brian and who will bath him. Aye, cut the story short.

We left home at about 7.30pm just now. Look at the photos below which were captured during our visit to Gaya Christmas Celebration, just now, 12.12.12, their last day :)

Brian and Daddy mesmerized by the angelic voice
of the Carollers singing "Oh, Holy Night" :)

Standing at the "Pintu Gerbang"
with Daddy and Grandma:)

In front of the Giant Christmas Tree and the Crib  :)

We spent almost an hour there, and we left at about 8.30pm. On our way to Grace Point, Sembulan to have dinner, Brian fell asleep in the car... deep sleep, indeed :)

## Nevertheless, to you Son, Thank You so much for "postponing" your bedtime tonight. Mummy,  Daddy and Nenek are so pleased to have brought you to Gaya Christmas Celebration tonight. It was your first, you know, and on a very special date some more :) Love u muchooo !! :) Bear hugs to you from us three :)

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