Monday 1 August 2011

It was NOT easy..

Hye Ladies !!

Okay, U were single, got engaged, got married, got pregnant and u delivered babies. Now, u want to get the pre-pregnancy figure - EASY or NOT???

I weighed 70kg when I was at 9months, 12 kg added from my pre-pregnancy weight. Being a first time preggy and still young (well, age is just a number, right), of course I want to get the pre-pregnancy-figure back. Tell me, who doesn't??

Besides the confinement period, I had myself the "get-the-figure-back-aids" *big grin* Take a look below :)

I took 3 bottles of this - to regain my strength after the battle-of-delivery :) It worked amazingly. Thank God.

Amway's Tropical Herbs Post Natal Set - I got TWO, one from dear Hubby and the other one from my SIL :)

Hubby bought this Binder from the Physiotherapy Unit, KK Specialist Centre.  Safe to use within 24-hours after delivery. A great binder for C-Sect mothers :)

Today, our Baby Brian is 3months and 2weeks plus. With all the aids above, I have got my figure back and I currently weigh lighter than before :) I managed to shed about 14kg :) Yay !!

It's NEVER that easy to achieve that, and it is even HARDER to maintain. Well, I will try. *fingers-crossed*

Okay then, this is just a sharing. Thank You for reading ya. God Bless You :)

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