Friday 29 July 2011

Those Who Came to Visit =)

I thank God that all my visitors came to see Baby Brian after my Confinement Period has completed. At least, that time my hair smells good by then *wink* . Many of my friends sent me sms (es) informing that they want to come and pay a visit. But I had to "reject" ALL the requests because I didn't feel nice attending my guests when I simply felt "not-that-good-because-of-my-smelly-hair" *innocent grin*

Please accept my apologies for those who came to visit but we didn't manage to caption the moments. Among them were Aunty Rosie Felix, cousins Charlotte Motiung, Christie Motiung, Sandy Ekol, Sandra Ekol, Gracey Jabberi & family, Joesia Ebin and Maria Sakayan. Whatever it is, HUBBY, MYSELF and BRIAN are more than grateful to have you guys around. O yes, Thank You so much for the gifts, too :)

Here are some of the photos taken :)

Cousins Randy Ekol and Uncle Lawrence Sipayang's pretty daughters :)

With Uncle Bernard Baikan's Family

With cute buddies - Rizidah Majawal, Intan Hamzah & Evanna Edward. The gift is from these 3 ladies together with buddies Lina Emang, Suzan Julian & Jasimin Yahatin.

Gifts from sisters Deena & Bebe :)

Gifts from buddies Debbie & Maria Sakayan

Gifts from buddy Joesia Ebin :)

Thank You ya !!!! :) God Bless You :)

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