Wednesday 12 December 2012


Hello there ~

Well, well, well.. it has been awhile since my last post, huh? yeah, i know right :) And if you happen to bump into this post, I THANK YOU for your time ... :)

Why I chose to "suddenly" write/post an entry on this very special date? Reasons being - as you and I know, the same date would not happen AGAIN. Secondly, Hubs and I decided to bring Brian to visit the Gaya Christmas celebration,  And it was so cool that the last day of the celeb was 12.12.12. So, you think I would want to miss the opportunity?? Yihaaa !!

For your information, Brian normally  goes to bed at 7pm-8pm every night. So, before taking him out tonight, we had to make sure that he's taken his dinner. So, what we did was, Hubs and I divided the tasks on who will feed Brian and who will bath him. Aye, cut the story short.

We left home at about 7.30pm just now. Look at the photos below which were captured during our visit to Gaya Christmas Celebration, just now, 12.12.12, their last day :)

Brian and Daddy mesmerized by the angelic voice
of the Carollers singing "Oh, Holy Night" :)

Standing at the "Pintu Gerbang"
with Daddy and Grandma:)

In front of the Giant Christmas Tree and the Crib  :)

We spent almost an hour there, and we left at about 8.30pm. On our way to Grace Point, Sembulan to have dinner, Brian fell asleep in the car... deep sleep, indeed :)

## Nevertheless, to you Son, Thank You so much for "postponing" your bedtime tonight. Mummy,  Daddy and Nenek are so pleased to have brought you to Gaya Christmas Celebration tonight. It was your first, you know, and on a very special date some more :) Love u muchooo !! :) Bear hugs to you from us three :)

Friday 24 August 2012

He's the MAN !!!

This happened last Tuesday; 21st August 2012 on our way back home from Hubs' hometown Tenghilan. We were not pleased when we had to face one challenge, a FALLEN OLD TREE on the road !! With no machete, no saw, no knife (?) - so what was left with us were only our BARE HANDS.

Brian was with us (of course) and my Hubs just had to "get rid of the tree" all by himself. He is very very very strong. See below :)

In a quest to breaking the branches..

Still, trying so hard... And he thinks this (Pic 3) should be okay..

Yayyy, he managed to pass the challenge with success !! :)

He IS the MAN !!

Gaya Street Fair :)

It was one day shy till Brian turned 16months and Hubs decided to take Brian for a "walk" at our famous Gaya Street Fair on the August 12th, 2012.

It was Brian's first time to be in a large and crowded place and we found ourselves a bit worried whether he would be okay with it, but it turned just ALRIGHT :)

Here's the proof :)

Our FINEST Sunday :)

Being a full time working parents, it is kinda hard to find a time for just the three of us. BUT, we just had to and we decided to visit the Perdana Park, Tanjung Aru - approximately 15 minutes drive from our home :)

We had so much much much of fun !!! Do check out our captured-moments ya !!  :) Thank You for your time peeps !! :)

Brian LOVED the park,  just look at his smiles !! :D

Again!! He was so happyyy !!!

Enjoyed looking at the dancing fountain :)

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Kara-OKAY cum Birthday Celeb for EvaNNa


The Geng Bas Sekolah :)

We are HAPPY and we are YOUNG !

Killing our lunch time on a Friday by having fun.
:: Cake, Iced Lemon Tea and titbits ::

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Celebrating the 731st day In Our Own Way :)

Dimmed-light. Perfect for the two of us :)

ABC - Our favorite !!

"The Amazing Spiderman"
Believe it or not, this movie was our 1st movie we watched together
eversince Brian was born, exactly 15months & 4days ago
. We have been
dedicating our time (and we are still) for Brian till yesterday.
And today, we just had to have fun again *grin
Note : Brian was at the nursery, okay. Hehe

Since Hubby and I are not Millionaires, so we celebrated our 2nd Wedding Anniversary (based on the Canon Law) in a very simple and HUMBLE way.

There you go..

We had Ngiu Chap @ Kah Hiong, Hilltop, for breaky.

We had ABC  @ Sinar Mustika Marketplace 88, Kepayan, for our snack-time.

We watched a movie together at GSC Suria. Been longing for that.

We had late lunch at Suria Food Court.

We had dinner at the Beijing BBQ Restaurant, Bukit Padang.

We did not need to have a very lavish and luxurious celebration. A celebration could be very good enough for Hubby, baby Brian and myself when it is celebrated within our means. And it must be accompanied with a prayer :) We are NOTHING without GOD.





** Special THANKS to my babysister Jacinta and my Mother for looking after baby Brian while we were out to have our dinner outside. God Bless you two. Love you both ~!!

Thursday 12 July 2012

The MAN in me :)

I always have the great passion in positive aggresive activities, and one of them was this; Territorial Army or in Malay it's called Askar Wataniah. Still don't get it? In a common phrase, it's called Army Volunteer.

This cool hobby of mine had actually taken place in the year of 2005 and 2006. 2005 was the Recruitment Course, and the latter year was a course for us to get a promotion - to a higher rank. Both courses were held at Paradise Camp, Kota Belud Sabah.

Below are the MOST VALUABLE experiences I have gained in my life. And, if you wish to ask me whether I'll be doing it again, my CONCRETE answer is NO. Do not ask, do not query. I have got enough, and I really mean it is E.N.O.U.G.H.

So, read on..

1) I got my whole body burnt by Mr Sun - well, of course with the exception of those hidden under my garment..

2) I got my calves swollen because of "masuk angin" - errr, what do we call that in English? Wind pains? Colic (I thought this is for infants) ? I surrender. Anyone?

3) I sprained my right shoulder after carrying an M16 rifle for 9-hours of walking. An empty M16 weighs 3.25kg or 7.18pounds, okay. Oh yes, plus another grammes for quite a number of live bullets.

4) I had my toes' nails torned - VERRRRY painful, okay.

5) I had a "good-bath-time" in a fish pond at 12am - well, that was actually a punishment after we were caught sleeping in a Captain's class !! 

6) Drank one whole jug of "fresh" tap water. A jug of 1.5 litre, if I could recall. A punishmet, too.. O_o

7) I ever brought 6 raw eggs in a sock, and carried them with me whilst running/walking - in a swamp, then in that wet Army Uniform, still with the eggs, ran up and down a hill. I almost collapsed ! On the other hand, the other guys were actually even cooler. They ran/ walked while carrying a log timber !! Hey peeps, that was actually a game and we really had fun. Seriously.

8) Slept in my man-made "kubu" on top of a hill - it was raining some more and it was really damn cold!!

9) Climbed up a 12-feet tall fort, and jumped from the top to the ground ! *Nasib tidak patah kaki!!*

But whatever it is, those were the things which not everyone would enjoy doing it. I did it twice and I AM VERY PROUD OF IT :)

Hey wait, look at the photos which I scanned and would love to share them with you. Not to show off, but as a proof that I do have a bit of masculinity in myself :)

a PLATOON, all very close, just like good buddies :)

That's me in black Army tee. Was holding the post of Second Lieutenant.
I was instructing my subordinates to do some sketching :)

Giving a  brief explanation to the subordinates

Still in action

Nah, ambik kau!! Hitam itu menawan :)
I really enjoyed this moment.

A humble note :-

I have a very special reason why I am writing this entry. I am indeed very thankful to God that I met my Husband, Mr Jipanis Suali, a very good friend of mine, then.

We get to know each other in 2006. We were in two different platoons, and we both were picked by our Commander to challenge each other to get the Best Student Award. Apparently, luck was on my side :P


Tuesday 10 July 2012

Let's have a SLOW DANCE..

Have you ever watched kids on a merry-go-round?

Or listened to the rain slapping on the ground?

Ever followed  a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading light?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

Do you run through each day on the fly?
When you ask "How Are You".. Do you take time to listen to the reply?

When the day is done
Do you lie in bed 
With the next hundred chores running through your head?
You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

Ever told your child "we'll do it tomorrow", 
and in your haste, not see his sorrow?

 Ever lost touch and let a good friendship dies
Cause you never had time to call and say "Hi".. 

You better slow down
Don't dance so fast
Time is short
The music won't last

 When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the run of getting there
When you worry and hurry through your day
It is like an unopened gift..
Thrown away

Life is not a race
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over..

*all photos are courtesy of Google

Friday 29 June 2012

Sandakan, The Nature City of Sabah

On 25062012 (Monday). First time boarding a flight with AirAsia. Anxious !

Myself and Evanna at Terminal 2, KKIA.
About to fly off to Sandakan in AK 6096 :)

After our course ended, we grabbed the chance to stroll around the City. My loyal companions were Evanna Carolina Edward and Aaron Dennis Dasan. The first place we went was Sepilok. But too bad I left my handphone at my hotel room *face palm*.  Otherwise, you would be seeing some of our good old friends in photos :(

Being in Sandakan, I wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to visit the Agnes Keith House. Not only me, but also my two other friends. We rushed to that House from Sepilok but we were less lucky as we didn't get to buy the ticket. The counter was closed already !! :( So, we just took a look around the house and snapped some photos using Evanna's handphone.

On the ground
In front of the Main Entrance

We got ourselves a bit tired and we decided to have a good Tea Break at the English Tea House and Restaurant :)

We are Happy Kids !!

Blowing kisses to you from Sandakan, with a view of Sulu Ocean

Played golf without the club :P

Chitchatting and snapping

Our Cheese Cake :)

Our Scones and Tea, they promoted "Sabah Tea" :)

Friday (29062012) came and it's time to fly back to our HOMES, yay!!!!

Arrived and Checked In @ Sandakan Airport

Having our drinks before boarding

Overwhelmed. Thrilled. Jumped with joy. I had the Pilots, Crews and Passengers in the AK6097 AirAsia flight wishing me "Happy Birthday" while on board, on our way back to Kota Kinabalu. What a nice gesture !!! :))))

All smiled - who would not? :)

I got people wished me on my 30th Birthday while I was
35,000 feet in the air ~! Woot woooottt :))

To wrap this up, I would want to extend my gratitude to my Boss (es), my Husband Mr Jipanis Suali, my Son Brian Valerian, my colleagues and also to my cool friends while in Sandakan - Evanna Carolina Edward, Aaron Dennis Dasan, Romeo Leo Bojol, Salleh, Mazlan, Liza, Suriati and the list goes on :) We made our educational trip a great one !! :)

And SPECIAL THANKS to the Speaker from INTAN Sabah, Encik Farzi bin Ahmad - ko mimang champin !!! :)))

The BIG number of THREE and ZERO

After living for the past 29 years, I asked these questions to myself :- 

- What have I learned?
- What have I gained?
- Whom have I befriended with?
- Have I been an honest woman?
- Have I been faithful enough to my belief?
- Have I been a good person to everyone?
- Have I "played" too much?
- and the list goes on...

And  as I turned THIRTY today, I looked at myself in the mirror and have these thoughts in my mind :-

- Where do I stand now?
- Am I brilliant enough to reach 30?
- Am I a good employeee?
- Am I successful enough?
- Am I a GOOD WIFE and MOTHER ???
- Is is comfortable enough with what I have at the moment, I mean like, now??
- and, questions after questions..

Thus, I told my myself..

Calm down, no need to panic
Being 30 is not too bad
It's not as if you're ancient
So it shouldn't drive you mad :)


In many ways you're actually
Considered in your prime
So if you want to live it up
Well now is a damn good time !! Woot woot !!! *wink

But, the most important thing now is that, I have set my own VISION and I also have lined-up all my missions to achieve my TARGET. Now, it's time to keep the ball rolling.

So, my brothers and sisters in Christ, keep on praying for me. Do not walk behind me or in front of me, but walk by my side :)

Food for thought ~

Growing OLD is mandatory, growing UP is optional - Chili Davis.

Men are like wine, some turn to vinegar, but the BEST improve with age - Pope John XXIII

I AM NOT 30,



Wednesday 23 May 2012


Some of the great memories..

Taken at the Baptism Day of Myra on 14th September 2003
at St. Thomas Catholic Church, Kepayan.
Here with my babysister as well :)

Taken at 1Borneo in 2008. Still very slim though and she has a
very natural good talent to pose in front of the camera !!

Myra LIKES to make surprises and she LOVES to impress people.
There was one morning back in the year of 2008, when I was taking
my bath to get ready to work, then I heard a knock on the bathroom door.
It was Myra and she said something like this;
"Aunty, later you check your drawer okay.. and Bye!!" Then I replied; "Okay.. Bye Myra!!"
Being so creative, I guess she knew which drawer I would open first
and look what I've found - A handmade LOVE. I was so touched
and impressed. She was just a Kindy and this gesture was

I still keep this till today :)

As soon as I got back home from a 3-day trip in Labuan, I just
couldn't get myself happier when I found this note underneath my
bedroom door !! >_<

It was on the last two Thursdays (May 10th, 2012) when a
minor accident happened while playing with Brian.
She felt so guilty and she cried. And, she even wrote a note of apology to Brian.
Very thoughtful and touching indeed :)

This photo was taken in conjunction
with the Mother's Day celeb 2012 :)

Happy 9th Birthday Myra!!!
I hope you will find my gift a cool one ~!!  >____<

Friday 18 May 2012

The Angel

Just to share...

A baby asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?"

"Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you."

The child further inquired, "But tell me,... here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy."

God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy."

Again the child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?"

God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."

"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?"

God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."

"Who will protect me?"

God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking it's life."

"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore."

God said, "Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you."

At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, "God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name."

"You will simply call her, 'Mom.'"

* A courtesy of a dear cousin of mine, Dr. Loriot Kenson :)

Wednesday 9 May 2012

The New Interest

I am not an EXERCISE doer. I am not an athlete. I am not keen in doing any sports but I have the same favourite hobby as Hubby's - Badminton, and I am just the normal Malaysian - the laidback type of human being.

However, in contrary to my statement above, I used to like to get myself involved in some aggressive activities. Well, I've ever - climbed a 12-feet wall (and jumped down from the top, crazy!!), sprained my right shoulder after carrying a M16 weapon (real one, okay!), walked for 9 hours up and down the hills in my full army uniform, gone a little bit "deaf" after a few of shooting trainings, "played" in the mud & swamp, got wet in the rain, led a march (in style, though *wink) and lots more. But, those were the days when I was still an active member of the Territorial Army way back in 2005 till 2010. Currently, NOT ANYMORE.

I have a good history of re-spraining my right shoulder and the latest one is to having a great low back pain. If I were to do any exercise, the advise I got from my Ortho is - do not jog or run or do whatever which needs me to move in a faster pace compared to walking. I was like, oh dear, oh my God, oh my. Am I really doomed to be an extremely "laid back" person?

Anyhow, being a bit stubborn myself - I still jog and I still run. Reasons being - it makes me feel much happier and healthier. Don't ask why. When my dear cousin Laura challenged me to join in the 10K run at the KK City Run recently (it was on April 1st), I was more than happy to grab the opportunity. Opportunity? Yes, the chance to get myself re-energised and re-charged.

All smiled and prepared to sweat it out :)

With Laura. Still smiled the same after finishing my 10K run in
TWO HOURS time. A cool beginning for a novice like me :)

The Borneo International Marathon (BIM) has just passed (last Sunday, 6th May 2012). A dear friend of mine has indeed asked me to join her in the Full Marathon; 42KM. Initially I said OKAY, but too bad I was a little bit late for the registration and I think it would be better for me to join the race next time. To just run is easy, but to run and finish in style after running 42KM, that absolutely needs a lot of good investments - trainings, diets, shoes, outfits and et cetera. And yeah, one needs to be mentally-physically-spiritually prepared.

Eventhough I didn't run, but I was at the event too - as a Volunteer. Being a first timer in volunteering at such a big event, I really enjoyed in distributing the race packs to the runners, became the Road Marshall and of course, cheering for the runners. I saw some familiar faces during the whole run and it was good. I got myself very much excited and I can't wait for the 6th BIM !!

I took some photos of the runners and allow me to share them with you all here *some photos are courtesy of Maria, BFKK:)

The Winner of 42KM.
He ran from Likas Sports Complex at 3am and reached my station
at Wisma Merdeka approximately 15 minutes later. Amazing !!

Do you think we have the excuse from not keeping ourselves
healthy until you see this man? He was only about 20-minutes
behind the 1st Runner !! Superb!! 

Healthy and pretty PREGGY joined the 10KM. Awesome!

A wheelchaired-bound 10KM participant. Gracias !!

Now, this is cute. One HEALTHY family :)

So peeps, do the photos above get you excited to join in the race next year, yes? It is gonna be on the 5th May, 2013. Register early to get the early bird price :) Keep yourself updated and click here to get more informations on BIM :) Till then, keep on exercising and be healthy :)