Friday 29 July 2011

Those Who Came to Visit =)

I thank God that all my visitors came to see Baby Brian after my Confinement Period has completed. At least, that time my hair smells good by then *wink* . Many of my friends sent me sms (es) informing that they want to come and pay a visit. But I had to "reject" ALL the requests because I didn't feel nice attending my guests when I simply felt "not-that-good-because-of-my-smelly-hair" *innocent grin*

Please accept my apologies for those who came to visit but we didn't manage to caption the moments. Among them were Aunty Rosie Felix, cousins Charlotte Motiung, Christie Motiung, Sandy Ekol, Sandra Ekol, Gracey Jabberi & family, Joesia Ebin and Maria Sakayan. Whatever it is, HUBBY, MYSELF and BRIAN are more than grateful to have you guys around. O yes, Thank You so much for the gifts, too :)

Here are some of the photos taken :)

Cousins Randy Ekol and Uncle Lawrence Sipayang's pretty daughters :)

With Uncle Bernard Baikan's Family

With cute buddies - Rizidah Majawal, Intan Hamzah & Evanna Edward. The gift is from these 3 ladies together with buddies Lina Emang, Suzan Julian & Jasimin Yahatin.

Gifts from sisters Deena & Bebe :)

Gifts from buddies Debbie & Maria Sakayan

Gifts from buddy Joesia Ebin :)

Thank You ya !!!! :) God Bless You :)

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Brian Valerian Baptized as a Catholic

Hello there :)

Baby Brian was only 1month-16days old when we got him baptized on the 29th May 2011 (Sunday). It was held at the St. Thomas Catholic Church Kepayan, Sabah. Rev. Fr. Tony Mojiwat was the Priest who did the baptism.

With Rev. Fr. Tony Mojiwat & Brian's GodFather

The Sponsor (GodFather) is my Uncle Augustine Motiung. This Uncle and the wife are also our Witnesses for our Church Wedding.

In the arms of his GodFather

The Family :)

With bestbuddies - Nicholas Majiun, Dariah Petrus & Rosemerie Romeo

Brian loves to fall asleep in his Daddy's arms

One for the album - on the way back home :)

We are so proud and grateful that Brian Valerian has been baptized as a Catholic. Hope in the future, he'll be a GOOD FOLLOWER OF JESUS, OBEDIENT SON TO HIS PARENTS/ FAMILY and finally CHOOSES A GOOD FINE WAY OF LIVING. AMEN.

Okay then, guess that's all for this post. Thank You so much for your time spent reading this post :) Really appreciate it. God Bless You all :)


 Greetings people !!

Likewise any other mothers out there who had just given birth to a baby, we of course have to go for one-lengthy-period which is called as THE CONFINEMENT PERIOD. The NORMS are usually - no hair-washing, no cool-heaty-oily-food intake, no cold-water showers, etc. It varies in every cultures, beliefs, religions and so on. As for me, it took me about 40-days to complete that period. The feelings?? I am proud to say that during the period, my own Mother and Hubby took care WELL after me.

My Momsie, not that healthy herself (pity), she was the one who prepared my Traditional Herbal Shower for the whole 40days, WITHOUT FAIL ! When I was still pregnant, she has already prepared all the remedies (herbs, ginger, leaves, etc) and put them all under the sun to dry it. It is all ready-to-be-used when I gave birth. A HOME MADE one!! BLESSINGS!!. Save lots of $$$ :) She has been doing the same for all my elder sisters and came my turn. It is all about a MOTHER'S LOVE AND CARE for her daughters. THANK YOU MOTHER AND I LOVE YOU SO DEARLY.. GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY..

My Hubby - minus the  first two days which was done by my Mom, he baths our newborn son (till today), he changes the diapers, he prepares my "special meal", he drives us to the clinic for my review and son's too, he does the laundries, he hangs the clothes, he folds the clothes, he lets me to rest while he keeps his eyes open in the midnight hours to look after baby Brian, he does the grocery shopping, he bought my Breast-pump, he prepares my shower bath (he even actually bathed me for two days after got discharged from KKSC). In fact, undeniably, he actually does almost EVERYTHING, seriously, ALMOST man. Apart from doing all that for the sake of me and son, and as a helpful dearest Husband, he still can go and play his fav sports, Badminton, once in a week :)

Daddy bathing Brian. Brian LOVES to play with water :)

Opsss.. so sorry Daddy.. I can't hold it no more...

Baby Brian shot Daddy with his stool.. :P

By having a caring Mother and a helpful & understanding Hubby, it had made my Confinement Period NOT THAT BAD actually :) It is all about Give and Take when it comes to anything especially something like this. Try not to be extremely calculative but on the other hand, always COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. Be THANKFUL & GRATEFUL always and always . The MOST important thing is that, NEVER FORGET to say your PRAYERS, at least after you wake up and before you go to bed :)

Till then peeps, see you in the next posts ya ~!! :) Thank You for your time.. :D

Tuesday 26 July 2011

Our Bundle Of JOY :)

The Estimated Due Date (EDD) was on 17th April 2011 (Sunday).

Being a 1st time Preggy, of course I wouldn't know how the contractions, labour pains and delivery were going to be. Too much in my head and I applied for a two-weeks-in-advance Maternity Leave (ML). My ML started on the 4th April 2011; loads of THANKS to my immediate Boss Madam Juliah and of course, my late Director Dr. Hj. Mohd. Daud bin Dalip for approving my ML application.

Since then, I could really "chill & relax" at home while waiting for any signs of delivery. Theoretically, one delivery can be between the 39th -> 42nd week. My 39th week has eventually passed. No signs yet. It's another week till my EDD. It was on Sunday noon, 10th April 2011. Realizing the EDD was just around the corner, so I decided to do some house-chores, since I know that I wouldn't be having any enough time to do all that once our bundle of joy arrives. The time will be wholly spent with kid :)

11th April 2011 @ 0200 hrs - I noticed some blood stains on my undies. It could be an early indicator of a delivery. I rang Kota Kinabalu Specialist Centre (KKSC), Sabah, well just to make sure. They suggested to me to come and check my dilate. Now, follow me through ... (a picture tells a thousand of stories, right?)

10.00am @ 11.04.2011 - Dilate was only 2cm

We were given two options, to get admitted or to get a home leave till the contractions interval are 1-2minutes. We decided to stay. Hence, this was our Room Number @ KKSC.

Mr Jay was with me all the time, giving me the support, love and boost my confidence. Thank You Hubby.

13th April 2011 @ 2.00am : I did manage to "PUSH" twice but still couldn't. The dilate was already 8cm by then. My O&G Dr. Felice Huang gave me two options, to wait for another one hour or go for C-Sect. The contractions were unbearable. Thus, I CHOSE for C-Sect

13th April 2011 @ 2.26am : Finally. All cried out after "EXITING" from my womb :) Feeling COLD and SHIVERING. Pity him.

Being kept in a place-like-mom's-womb

Swollen-faced-me & my Son. Just done with FIRST BREASTFEEDING. Wonderful and amazing experience. I THANK YOU LORD, O GOD.

In the arms of his proud DADDY :)

Among my visitors who came. I only managed to take a photo with this great buddies of mine. The rest, I simply drowned in the chitchatting till I forgot to ask Hubby to snap photos. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL :) :)

Okay then, guess this is it for this post. Will update my blog with more new stories alright. See ya !!!

Choosing the RIGHT NAME

The conversation on how the NAME of our SON being chosen...

Hubby : So, what will the name be?

Me      : Alexander, since our Confirmation Names start with an A?

Hubby : Sounds too classic...

Me      : Okay, what about if it starts with "B"?

Hubby : Brian ? Sounds nice eh?

Me      : Cool, but can we have his 2nd name from the name of a Saint?

Hubby : Suggestion?

Me      : Valerian..

Hubby : Nice pick ! It sounds interconnecting.. :) Then, Brian Valerian it is..

The moral of the story is... Try to get your spouse involved in making any BIG and IMPORTANT decisions, i.e the name of our kid/kids. As the Malay proverb says, "Harimau meninggalkan belang, Manusia meninggalkan nama" :)

Monday 25 July 2011

The Journey of Wonderful 9-MooNs

Greetings ~!!

It is a dream of all married couples, or perhaps 9 out of 10 couples, to start and have a family of their own. Hence, that was the case to Hubby & I. When we got married, I was near to the figure of 3-0 and my Hubby himself has already passed that number!! A month prior to our Church Wedding, we had come to an agreement that we shall have our own kid/kids once we tied the knot. To make this happen, apart from putting some efforts, we of course said our Novena prayers - as we believe this is the key to every success.

Now, after I missed my "monthly-bleeding" exactly A MONTH AFTER the Church Wedding, what more could we expect if nonetheless to hear a good news :) Not only my Hubby & myself were excited, but my Mom was definitely one, as well :) The funny and I think the most great part was, My MOM and my Hubby were the one who got sooooo EXCITED in purchasing the Pregnancy-Test-Kit. I felt so BLESSED and GRATEFUL.  They bought it at the Guardian @ City Mall, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. Cuteness !!!! I waited for another 7days before I checked on myself with the kit. Came the 8th "missing day", I then checked. It was +VE !!!! But, then again, we really wanted to confirm it we went to Permai Polyclinic in Donggongon Square, Penampang, Sabah to get a 2nd affirmation. Congratulations the Doctor said. Wohhoooo !!!! I tell you, WE ARE THE HAPPIEST HUMAN BEINGS AT THAT TIME :) Hubby and I couldn't be more THANKFUL to the Almighty God :)

So, the wonderful of 9months journey has begun. Take your sweet time to scroll the photos of "PREGGY-ME" below. It is merely a sharing, alright :) Most of my early pregnancy photos were taken at home with my naked belly which one could barely tell that I was carrying a child in my womb - a pretty small bump I had during my 1st-trimester :) Thus, allow me to just post photos of which were taken at my office, while doing a shopping, while having a good-time, so on and so forth. So, here we go...
I guess I might looked like a HIPPO :)

Bump was about 3-months. U couldn't hardly tell, could u?

At 3months with Hubby and graduating younger Bro Kenneth

Cutie bump at 4months ++

Trying to pose beautifully at near to 5months :)

Close to 5months when buddy Lina Emang delivered her 3rd son, Gabby :) Here was with buddies Evanna Edward and Rizidah Majawal

Still love to do "jalan-jalan" with buddies, few days before Christmas 2010

Managed to complete my Bachelor Degree's 6-months-practical on the 24/12/2010 :)
Christmas Xchange gifts among the beautiful siblings & cousins of MOTIUNG :)

7months++ at a cousin's wedding reception @ Beverly Hotel, KK Sabah. With Momsie dearest and bestcousin Sharon Ekol.

My new hairstyle to get prepared for the delivery and confinement period. Easier to maintain :) I was at 7months ++ :)

8months ++, FAT ME :P

Me and my supportive BOSS, Madam Juliah Lojumin at 8months ++

Me and my buddy Intan Hamzah - she's a real "candid" person, look at her, cute isn't she? :)

Me and buddy Suzan Julian - always the "like-my-mom" :) 

Having a good time ever !!!

Me and the rest of my CLOSEST colleagues, they are just FUN TO BE WITH :)

Well well well, after posting these photos, I kinda noticed that I don't have any DECENT photos at the end of my 3rd-trimester. It's okay I guess, the above ones are good enough already, aren't they? :)

Till then, Thank You so much for your time that you have reached the end of this post. Till my "DELIVERY" post, take care ya peeps !! :) God Bless You all ! :)

Thursday 21 July 2011

Our Church Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

Hello friends ~!!

After posting our Civil Marriage Ceremony, I have a strong feeling that I think I would also like to share with you our Sacrament of Holy Matrimony :) It was held on the 17th July 2010 and the venue was at St. Thomas Catholic Church. The Solemnization was done by Rev. Fr. Fundes Motiung.

To make things simpler and shorter for now, I guess let's just have a look at the photos below :)

Our humble RINGS

My Mother Putting the VEIL on

With my Bridesmaid Malvina Clare Flant

Yes, I DO :)

Certified and Declared - We got the Cert !!!!

My siblings, nieces and cousins, all in the theme color - GREEN  :)

Our immediate family members :)

Hope u guys enjoy it :) Till the next post, see ya !!! :)

Our Civil Marriage Ceremony

Hello guys ~!

Yeap, this was held on the 23rd March 2010, a year plus ago.. Time flies real fast, it waits for no man .. :) This took place at the KK Registration Dept @ Kompleks Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, Jalan Sulaman-UMS.

Being a KadazanDusun ourselves, we had come to a decision that it is a good thing if we can put on the Kadazan traditional costume on that day. Lucky us, we managed to rent the whole costumes and accessories (minus Mr Jay's attire) from a buddy of mine; Joesia Arday.

Besides our REAL WITNESSES for our Civil Wedding, there were quite a number of family members from both sides, buddies Suzan Julian & Hubby, Rizidah Majawal and Intan Hamzah, sister Emelda & Hubby, and  my little niece Sabrina who came to share the joyful day with us. Thank You so much for sharing the joy with us. God Bless You All.

O well, below are some of the photos taken on that day for u too have a look :)

Yes, it was held on the 23rd March 2010 :)

Him, signing the Civil Agreement :)

Me, doing the same :)

"You-may-kiss-the-bride" after certified by the Registrar *look at their reactions* *wink*

Parents of both sides, Witnesses, Aunties and Uncles

Best buddies, Sis & BIL and my niece Sabrina

One for the album .. .:)

 Till then, that's all for now :) Thank you for sparing ur little time to view this, I appreciate it very much ~!!