Tuesday 26 July 2011

Our Bundle Of JOY :)

The Estimated Due Date (EDD) was on 17th April 2011 (Sunday).

Being a 1st time Preggy, of course I wouldn't know how the contractions, labour pains and delivery were going to be. Too much in my head and I applied for a two-weeks-in-advance Maternity Leave (ML). My ML started on the 4th April 2011; loads of THANKS to my immediate Boss Madam Juliah and of course, my late Director Dr. Hj. Mohd. Daud bin Dalip for approving my ML application.

Since then, I could really "chill & relax" at home while waiting for any signs of delivery. Theoretically, one delivery can be between the 39th -> 42nd week. My 39th week has eventually passed. No signs yet. It's another week till my EDD. It was on Sunday noon, 10th April 2011. Realizing the EDD was just around the corner, so I decided to do some house-chores, since I know that I wouldn't be having any enough time to do all that once our bundle of joy arrives. The time will be wholly spent with kid :)

11th April 2011 @ 0200 hrs - I noticed some blood stains on my undies. It could be an early indicator of a delivery. I rang Kota Kinabalu Specialist Centre (KKSC), Sabah, well just to make sure. They suggested to me to come and check my dilate. Now, follow me through ... (a picture tells a thousand of stories, right?)

10.00am @ 11.04.2011 - Dilate was only 2cm

We were given two options, to get admitted or to get a home leave till the contractions interval are 1-2minutes. We decided to stay. Hence, this was our Room Number @ KKSC.

Mr Jay was with me all the time, giving me the support, love and boost my confidence. Thank You Hubby.

13th April 2011 @ 2.00am : I did manage to "PUSH" twice but still couldn't. The dilate was already 8cm by then. My O&G Dr. Felice Huang gave me two options, to wait for another one hour or go for C-Sect. The contractions were unbearable. Thus, I CHOSE for C-Sect

13th April 2011 @ 2.26am : Finally. All cried out after "EXITING" from my womb :) Feeling COLD and SHIVERING. Pity him.

Being kept in a place-like-mom's-womb

Swollen-faced-me & my Son. Just done with FIRST BREASTFEEDING. Wonderful and amazing experience. I THANK YOU LORD, O GOD.

In the arms of his proud DADDY :)

Among my visitors who came. I only managed to take a photo with this great buddies of mine. The rest, I simply drowned in the chitchatting till I forgot to ask Hubby to snap photos. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL :) :)

Okay then, guess this is it for this post. Will update my blog with more new stories alright. See ya !!!

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