Thursday 21 July 2011

Our Church Sacrament of Holy Matrimony

Hello friends ~!!

After posting our Civil Marriage Ceremony, I have a strong feeling that I think I would also like to share with you our Sacrament of Holy Matrimony :) It was held on the 17th July 2010 and the venue was at St. Thomas Catholic Church. The Solemnization was done by Rev. Fr. Fundes Motiung.

To make things simpler and shorter for now, I guess let's just have a look at the photos below :)

Our humble RINGS

My Mother Putting the VEIL on

With my Bridesmaid Malvina Clare Flant

Yes, I DO :)

Certified and Declared - We got the Cert !!!!

My siblings, nieces and cousins, all in the theme color - GREEN  :)

Our immediate family members :)

Hope u guys enjoy it :) Till the next post, see ya !!! :)

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