Wednesday 27 July 2011


 Greetings people !!

Likewise any other mothers out there who had just given birth to a baby, we of course have to go for one-lengthy-period which is called as THE CONFINEMENT PERIOD. The NORMS are usually - no hair-washing, no cool-heaty-oily-food intake, no cold-water showers, etc. It varies in every cultures, beliefs, religions and so on. As for me, it took me about 40-days to complete that period. The feelings?? I am proud to say that during the period, my own Mother and Hubby took care WELL after me.

My Momsie, not that healthy herself (pity), she was the one who prepared my Traditional Herbal Shower for the whole 40days, WITHOUT FAIL ! When I was still pregnant, she has already prepared all the remedies (herbs, ginger, leaves, etc) and put them all under the sun to dry it. It is all ready-to-be-used when I gave birth. A HOME MADE one!! BLESSINGS!!. Save lots of $$$ :) She has been doing the same for all my elder sisters and came my turn. It is all about a MOTHER'S LOVE AND CARE for her daughters. THANK YOU MOTHER AND I LOVE YOU SO DEARLY.. GOD BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY..

My Hubby - minus the  first two days which was done by my Mom, he baths our newborn son (till today), he changes the diapers, he prepares my "special meal", he drives us to the clinic for my review and son's too, he does the laundries, he hangs the clothes, he folds the clothes, he lets me to rest while he keeps his eyes open in the midnight hours to look after baby Brian, he does the grocery shopping, he bought my Breast-pump, he prepares my shower bath (he even actually bathed me for two days after got discharged from KKSC). In fact, undeniably, he actually does almost EVERYTHING, seriously, ALMOST man. Apart from doing all that for the sake of me and son, and as a helpful dearest Husband, he still can go and play his fav sports, Badminton, once in a week :)

Daddy bathing Brian. Brian LOVES to play with water :)

Opsss.. so sorry Daddy.. I can't hold it no more...

Baby Brian shot Daddy with his stool.. :P

By having a caring Mother and a helpful & understanding Hubby, it had made my Confinement Period NOT THAT BAD actually :) It is all about Give and Take when it comes to anything especially something like this. Try not to be extremely calculative but on the other hand, always COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. Be THANKFUL & GRATEFUL always and always . The MOST important thing is that, NEVER FORGET to say your PRAYERS, at least after you wake up and before you go to bed :)

Till then peeps, see you in the next posts ya ~!! :) Thank You for your time.. :D


  1. So wonderful your husband. Very caring ... Nampak tu 'sirit' c baby.. haha. Thumbs up for Brian's Daddy...

  2. Hi Clay, TQ TQ... lucu kan, smart lagi c baby Brian tembak Daddy dia tu.. hehe

  3. Haha, itu lah Syl. Lucu ni.. SMART memang, pandai dia SPOT tu tempat ni. Tapi, sya memang tabik hormat la sama Mr JIP's sebab he's a wonderful daddy.. and you also a wonderful MOM. Hehe..

  4. Funny o ko Clay.. anyway, THANK YOU ah..
