Wednesday 29 February 2012

Celebration, after FOUR YEARS !!

:: Photo from Google ::

 "February 29, known as a leap day in the Gregorian calendar, is a date that occurs in most years that are evenly divisible by 4, such as 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. Years that are evenly divisible by 100 do not contain a leap day, with the exception of years that are evenly divisible by 400, which do contain a leap day; thus 1900 did not contain a leap day while 2000 did. Years containing a leap day are called leap years. February 29 is the 60th day of the Gregorian calendar in such a year, with 306 days remaining until the end of that year." (Wikipedia)

Thus, in brief, this date rolls around once every four years, a nifty quirk of the Gregorian calendar. And in other words, it means that I can only write about this topic four-yearly. But, aye, no worries B-)

Apparently, I would say....

It is the day for some friends out there to celebrate their most-awaited actual date of birth. Nevertheless, it makes me wonder on when the leap year babies would actually celebrate their birthdays; Feb 28th? 1st March? or BOTH - better, isn't? *wink

Or it could even be the anniversaries..

And undeniably, for everyone working, it is just another extra day at work .. :)


Thursday 23 February 2012

By LAW - It has been TWO SOLID YEARS

It was on this EXACT DATE; February 23rd, two years ago when my Fiance (then) and I exchanged vows of Civil Marriage in front of the Marriage Registrar at the National Registration Department, Kota Kinabalu.

I could still vividly recall the excitement on what to wear, who to invite, who would be our Witnesses and who would capture this happy-golden-moment, and aye, so on and so forth.

I had written about our Civil Marriage Ceremony before, kindly look for it on my previous posts list. Thus, I don't think I need to write a long entry this time around as I believe the photos below could explain everything.. *wink

With our proud Parents, Witnesses, Aunties and Uncles.

With my 3rd Sister Emelda & Hubby, my Niece Sabrina,
my best buds Suzan Julian & Hubby, Intan Hamzah and Rizidah Majawal.
Some of them (buddies) couldn't make it due to work commitment.

Cheeky kiss for my Hubby :)

*Note - please buzz me if you think this photo is blur
and you can hardly read them.


To my Dear Husband, Sir Jipanis bin Suali,


Wednesday 22 February 2012

Ash to Ash.. Dust to Dust..

 At 10.40pm on 21st February 2012 (Tuesday) :-

After a brief discussion with my Dear Husband on which Mass we shall attend to celebrate the Ash Wednesday Mass, then we came to one mutually-agreed-decision. We will be attending the Mass at 6.00 in the morning at Sacred Heart Cathedral (SHC), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. YES, 6.00a.m :)

At 4.40am on 22nd February 2012 (Wednesday) :- 

My Hubby woke me up !! (Well, I am the one who wake him up every morning, but today??, awesome !!).  I was so much delighted and amazed having to notice him waking up with so much of energy and excitement to attend the Mass this morning. Aye, I myself  was actually TOO excited. Reason being - we would be having our 10-months Son; Brian to receive the Ash for the first time~!! *wink 

So, without further much ado, we made a move at 5.20am and arrived at the Cathedral approximately 15 minutes later.

Brian had his liquid breakfast done by Daddy,
just before the Mass started.

An all-smiled Brian after the mass, roughly about 7.15am.
* Note his forehead with the mark of the Ash.

On the way to Brian's nursery. We were in a quite long
queue to get into the nursery's car porch, and hence,
we took the chance to do some cam-whoring :)
Please and kindly pardon US TWO *wink

A note to whom it may concern :-

Kindly allow me to enlighten you with a VERY SHORT information of what an Ash Wednesday actually means. It is the day where us, the Catholics would start the fasting and abstinence period. This period is religiously known as the Lent Season.

May I just convey one short message here.....

*Let us be kinder and nicer..
*Let us give alms and do more charity..
*Let us fast so it teaches us to be more humble and more grateful..


Monday 13 February 2012

Rest Well, Pa'..

People come and go...

People born and die..

Today, February 13th, 2012 marks the 3rd Anniversary of the passing of my beloved Father. 

He left us when he barely passed 10 years after the age of 50 years. He was so much in pain and really had to endure so much of a pain. God took his life at 12.28am on 13th February 2009 at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. ALL of his siblings and my Mother as well as my family were by his bedside when he breathed his last..

On this very day, I just feel like sharing some golden moments I shared with my dearest Father..

At home on the day I got engaged to Mr Jay ..
~ 1st October, 2008 ~

We brought the joy of Christmas to him at the hospital

~ 13.02.2009 ~
"You have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.."
(Col 3: 3-4)

We were all in smile because God gave us a good and bright day on his burial day.

~ 9th October 2011 ~
Father's completed concrete tomb
@ Catholic Cemetery Mile 4.5, Penampang Road, Sabah 

We came to pray for the soul of my Father on 7 November 2011
 in conjunction with the All Souls Day.

~ 26.12.2011 ~
The whole family came to say a Christmas Prayer for our late Father..


Monday 6 February 2012

Daddy + Mummy + Brian Valerian = F.A.M.I.L.Y

Greeting to you all...  !!

Well, these are some of our family photos.. from the beginning until the current ones. Enjoy ! :)

Our First Family Photo when our son Brian Valerian turned One Month Old
on 13.05.2011. 

Taken on 17.07.2011. We had a dinner at Rainforest Cafe, Kota Kinabalu

Taken at Kasih Sayang Resort, Menggatal Kota Kinabalu on one fine day in August 2011.

Taken at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu after the Wedding Mass of
my cousin 
Charlotte Motiung and Samuel Jintoni on 19.11.2011.

Photo courtesy of my cousin 
Audrey Kimberley Jominit.

Taken at home in Taman Motiung, Lintasjaya Uptownship,
Kepayan Kota Kinabalu on 19.11.2011.

Photo courtesy of my eldest sister
Daisy Motiung

Taken at home in Kampung Kepayan,  Kota Kinabalu on 10.12.2011.

Taken at KDCA Hall, Penampang on 01.01.2012 during my cousin's
wedding reception Randy F. Ekol and
Sylvia L. Sipayang.

Photo courtesy of Aunty Flavia Motiung.

The LATEST one snapped at my Grandma's Birthday Celebration on 20.01.2012
at Putera Theatre Ballroom, Bukit Padang Kota Kinabalu.

Photo courtesy of my eldest sister Daisy Motiung
Will be uploading and updating my family photos from time to time ya... Stay tuned folks !! :)

Sunday 5 February 2012


**I simply refused myself to rewrite these words of appreciations as I believe the first one written was the sincerest and much much honest it could ever be. Thus, I copied the same speech from my album on Facebook :)


Next, my Late Father Mr Sylvester Motiung (He passed away about two years after I enrolled into Universiti Malaysia Sabah aka UMS) and my Mother Mdm Magdalina Ahyuk for raising me up to become a person, yes a person.

My BLOOD -from the OLDEST to the YOUNGEST.

Mr Jipanis Suali aka Mr Jay - So much to say about you Sayang, one phrase for you - THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. I LOVE YOU SAYANG.

My son Brian Valerian - He was all "kuai-kuai" inside my womb when I was doing my 6months practical. MUMMY LOVE YOU SO DEARLY SON :)

My Late Pengarah, Dr. Hj. Mohd. Daud bin Dalip - for encouraging me to further my study, and never REFUSED to approve my Unrecorded Leave whenever I had to sit for my tests and exams. We even had a very nice conversation over a topic of Career Building. He was very inspiring.

The 2nd Pengarah I worked with, Dr. Hassan Merican - for approving and granting me the permission to do my practical.

Credit also goes to Puan Juliah Lojumin, my immediate Supervisor, JKNS, my PKP Friends especially, my colleagues and of course my BUDDIES - YOU ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE and you all know the reason why I must thank YOU ALL :)

To my Penyelia Lapangan Mr Aranain Abdul Binang - THANK YOU !!!!!!

Special THANK YOU to all my Lecturers @ UMS from various Schools, ESPECIALLY to the LECTURERS of Sekolah Psikologi & Kerja Sosial, YOU ALL HAVE DONE A GREAT, AWESOME AND WONDERFUL JOB. Without all of you, I WOULDN'T BECOME A UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH's GRADUATE :) I am a SABAHAN and I am PROUD to become one product of UMS.

Last but not least, I THANK ALL MY CLASSMATES OF 2006 INTAKE and also friends from the other schools, especially SKTM :)

Now, the date of 29th November 2011 which falls on a Tuesday marks the CLIMAX of my long and most-awaited investment. I don't wanna bid GOODBYE to UMS, but perhaps, a "SEE-YOU-AGAIN" sounds better :)


Receiving my scroll of Bachelor Degree in Counseling Psychology from UMS Vice Chancellor,
Brig. Jen. Datuk Seri Panglima Dr. Kamaruzaman Haji Ampon

In front of UMS Chancellor Hall with Hubby

Here with Hubby and our son Brian. Look at my face!! Well, it is fun to be snapped candidly sometimes, though :)

My Dearest Mother 

The whole family, minus two though; my 2nd sister Lidwina and Baby Bro Kenneth

**My little prayer - Dear God, I hope my investment and sacrifice will bear some fruits in the future to come, or perhaps, soon. Amen.

Grandmother's 85th Birthday Bash !

To celebrate this auspicious event, it was agreed that the Children of our Grandma wear Batik, the Grand and  Great Grand Daughters in Polkadots, whereas the gentlemen go for Striped Shirt. Reason being - SIMPLE, CHEERFUL AND LIVELY *smile*

Now, let the photos do the story-telling ... :)

The simple but yet an awesome-do backdrop by Putera Theatre Ballroom Crew :)

On my right are my Nieces and my youngest sister while on my left are my pretty cousins :)

My Baby Sister Jacinta ! Kiut kan !! :)

The celebrated Octogenarian Madam Dorothia Tokiu Tonduba, flanked by her younger sisters and children.

Some of the Grand and Great Grand Daughter - ALL in POLKADOTS ! :)

The gentlemen and the young men in STRIPED shirts !! :)

Family of the Late Mr Sylvester Motiung (2nd son)

Dearest Hubby carrying our young man Brian Valerian :)

S.U.N.D.A.Y - a "chakui" day.

As usual and as an Obligation, Hubby and Baby Brian and of course yours truly, attended the Sunday Mass. For this week, we went to St. Simon Catholic Church, Likas, this morning. Today was the second week the mass said by Rev. Fr. Wilfred Atin as the Rector; Rev. Fr. Cosmas Lee is on long leave.

Baby Brian "drowned" in the ocean of Hymns sang by the "angelic-voiced-choirs" :)

After the mass, we went to Damai Plaza to get something to eat. As we were waiting for our orders to be served, I went to a small hawker stall selling "chakui, tausa piang, peanut & tausa sesame ball, hanchimpiang and tiny & small rounded chakui". 

Besides me, there were a few of other people purchased some kuih(s) too. As for me, I asked for one chakui and two peanut sesame balls. Well, it so happened there was this one middle-aged guy asked for a chakui, too. And apparently, the chakui I asked for was the last one and the guy had too wait for the next round of fry. Then, that Uncle suddenly said... "Woooa, almost everyone ask for chakui(s) too ! Oh yeah lah, it' Sunday.. it's a Chakui Day... 

Having heard that phrase, I smiled to myself... I think I would agree to his say. When I recall, I myself even buy a chakui or more almost every Sunday. Imagine having the chakui dipped into your hot drinks, oh dear.. Punya sedap tu !! :)

P/S : Please kindly pardon me if I spell the names of the kuih(s) wrongly .. Peace No War.

Thursday 2 February 2012

The 1st Challenge & Trial in 2012

Hello all. How have you been? :))

I am sure everyone of you out there have got your own new set(s) of resolution for this year. And so do I.

Being a (kinda) new parent, I must admit that I need to become the good, wise and strong Wife and Mother. Obviously, that is my ONE and ONLY resolution for this year of Dragon.

And, you know what, God really tested me on how to become the real strong Mommy. I took it as my first ever tough challenge. It was on January 2nd - 12th, 2012.

Baby Brian had yet turned 9months when he was "visited" by the Chicken Pox (CP) virus. He had just recovered from a mild fever, then, and there came another "illness", again. What a pity and poor little baby having to endure all those trials.

I had my CP when I was 12years old. I could still recall how stressful and painful it was. So, I was assuming every other person on earth would experience the same thing. Looking at Brian's condition, I was so frightened and I got myself so anxious. We brought him to see Dr. June Liew, a private pediatrician. She prescribed three types of medications including the anti virus one.

By the way, what touched me most during that 10days was actually how brave my young man had been. He was stronger than we could ever expected. Despite having all those itchy and reddish spots all over his body, head, palm and sole, Brian could still smile, sleep and get fed the usual way. 

We thank God for giving the wonderful inner strength in Brian. Although he is a small infant still, but he has a very strong will to survive, after all :) The portrait of Brian below proves my say ...

Son, Mommy and Daddy pray that you would and could keep this strength till forever..  God Bless you abundantly !