Monday 6 February 2012

Daddy + Mummy + Brian Valerian = F.A.M.I.L.Y

Greeting to you all...  !!

Well, these are some of our family photos.. from the beginning until the current ones. Enjoy ! :)

Our First Family Photo when our son Brian Valerian turned One Month Old
on 13.05.2011. 

Taken on 17.07.2011. We had a dinner at Rainforest Cafe, Kota Kinabalu

Taken at Kasih Sayang Resort, Menggatal Kota Kinabalu on one fine day in August 2011.

Taken at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Kota Kinabalu after the Wedding Mass of
my cousin 
Charlotte Motiung and Samuel Jintoni on 19.11.2011.

Photo courtesy of my cousin 
Audrey Kimberley Jominit.

Taken at home in Taman Motiung, Lintasjaya Uptownship,
Kepayan Kota Kinabalu on 19.11.2011.

Photo courtesy of my eldest sister
Daisy Motiung

Taken at home in Kampung Kepayan,  Kota Kinabalu on 10.12.2011.

Taken at KDCA Hall, Penampang on 01.01.2012 during my cousin's
wedding reception Randy F. Ekol and
Sylvia L. Sipayang.

Photo courtesy of Aunty Flavia Motiung.

The LATEST one snapped at my Grandma's Birthday Celebration on 20.01.2012
at Putera Theatre Ballroom, Bukit Padang Kota Kinabalu.

Photo courtesy of my eldest sister Daisy Motiung
Will be uploading and updating my family photos from time to time ya... Stay tuned folks !! :)

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