Sunday 5 February 2012

Grandmother's 85th Birthday Bash !

To celebrate this auspicious event, it was agreed that the Children of our Grandma wear Batik, the Grand and  Great Grand Daughters in Polkadots, whereas the gentlemen go for Striped Shirt. Reason being - SIMPLE, CHEERFUL AND LIVELY *smile*

Now, let the photos do the story-telling ... :)

The simple but yet an awesome-do backdrop by Putera Theatre Ballroom Crew :)

On my right are my Nieces and my youngest sister while on my left are my pretty cousins :)

My Baby Sister Jacinta ! Kiut kan !! :)

The celebrated Octogenarian Madam Dorothia Tokiu Tonduba, flanked by her younger sisters and children.

Some of the Grand and Great Grand Daughter - ALL in POLKADOTS ! :)

The gentlemen and the young men in STRIPED shirts !! :)

Family of the Late Mr Sylvester Motiung (2nd son)

Dearest Hubby carrying our young man Brian Valerian :)

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